Sunday, November 29, 2009

The countdown has begun...

Hi Girls...and all the Bride-to-be's,
I'm just another girl, who's getting engaged soon...14th Feb 2010
With less than three months to go, I'm both excited and in a state of panic..

2months and 16days to go for the E-day

Wow! What a day has been chosen...cant be more happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And my mind just goes on imagining the various things..hee hee

Anyways, lets do this girls, and let do this right! I've made a regime, strictly to be followed for each day. I've been doing some things, which I'll describe in later parts of my post, but here's what I'll do starting from tomm...
Hope it helps you as much as it helps me
Feel free to post in your comments, suggestions...experiences...

1. Get up early morning
2. Smile looking at your beautiful self in the mirror
3. Have "Noni Juice" empty stomach
4. Go for a jog
5. Do Yoga and Pranayam
6. Get ready for work
7. Drink lots of water through out the day
8. Try sitting erect as much as you can (secret: keeps you young longer)
9. Never have water in between meals
10. No Rice, No Sweets (only once a week in accordance with body types)
11. Never keep yourself hungry and think thats the best way
12. Have fruits in evening
13. Have an early dinner
14. Smile
15. Go for a casual walk in destress
16. Yognindra is a beautiful option after the walk
17. Clean your face and neck twice a day
18. Use sunscreen 7x12
19. Early to bed
20. No fights and arguments: keep them as low as possible (you know how stress is harmful)

Haha..guess this list will never end for me, surprising its this long..but I have followed this before. And believe you me, I could feel all the positive energy flow in...ask my face glowed!!

So, girls take good care...getting engaged is not the only reason you it for yourself!

I'll be updated on what I do everyday. Till then...byeee

1 comment:

Unknown said...

woooo..Niharika! congrats by the way. N surely great post. I mean i do realize the value of these things coz I am doing sum of them myself.

N buddy must say these 2 months will be full of apprehensions, confusions, mixed emotions, future planning, day dreaming etc etc etc.. I am really going through all this. But I am loving it ;)

ALL THE BEST TO U & ME :D Hope we really do well