Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hard Work + Team Work = Best Work!!!!

I'm sure you all liked this...

And this..

And these mirror hangings...

But a lot of hard work goes in here...have a look!!!

So...finally been able to hang them an eve before the BiG DaY!!

With Mehendi on my hands...directing others how to put it...

Will always remember those see my dreams converting to a reality!! wasn't me alone...
Here's my list of people I'm sooooooooooo lucky to have by my side...
Dad, Mom, Bhabhi, my brothers (most adorable and lovable to me), my cousins, my Maid's children.....(ever so excited!!)

I realised one thing in all this hard work...My Motivation

And his pleasant surprise that made 14th Feb all the more PERFECT!!!

Just Loved them and miss them sooooooooooo much!!

Thankyou ALL

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A few Pictures...

The Ring Keeper!! - A lot of hard work goes in here...

Sameer and Me

The Stage

Starting from left: Me, Sameer Bhaiya, Rithambra, Manish and Priya

Wonder what they are looking at?? (btw, when was this pic taken?! Amazing...natural pose)

Aeili re aeile...kya hai ye paheli...

I love this pic....too...

Sameer's mom, Sweta didi and her mother in law (my mother in law is on the left most ;) )

From Right: My father in law and Sweta didi's Father in law

Doubly Cutie pie: Badmashi at its best!!! hee hee...


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

The BIGGGGGest Day!!!

Its all smiles and dreams coming true.

Thankyou God and thankyou Mom & Dad for everything.
I love you sooooooooooooooooo much!!!!

Niharika & Sameer